速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Pied Piper for Children by Story Time fo

Pied Piper for Children by Story Time fo


檔案大小:42.7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。

支援語言:法文, 英語

Pied Piper for Children by Story Time for Kids(圖1)-速報App

The town of Hamelin is infested with big and dangerous rats. The people are absolutely fed up. They go to the king but he, too, is helpless. Then comes a stranger from a distant land.

He promises the king to save Hamelin and it's people from the rats. The king, in return, promises to award him with 1000 gold coins. The stranger, whom the children called Pied Piper, drives out all the rats from the town playing a melodious note on his flute. But the king makes fun of him and even refuses to award him with what he promised.

The Pied Piper, after few days, blew his flute again. Out came a melodious tone which had a magical effect on the children of Hamelin. They start following him. The Pied Piper takes them away inside a cave on a huge cliff.

Will the people of Hamelin ever get their children back? What would happen to the children?

Find out all these with Story Time.

With original and clear sound, superb effects and interactivity, enjoy the classic tale like never before.


Pied Piper for Children by Story Time for Kids(圖2)-速報App

- Simple and easy text for kids of all ages to enjoy the story

- Interactive story-telling with fabulous graphics and animations that make the characters life like.

- Text highlighting and brilliant professional narration

- Impeccable effects and colourful illustration for kids to enjoy

- 13 pages of fun filled effects

- Audio on/off

- Mind blowing activities like- card designing, spot the difference and coloring game and much more

Pied Piper for Children by Story Time for Kids(圖3)-速報App

Enjoy this classic tale, all in a new interactive way.

Pied Piper for Children by Story Time for Kids(圖4)-速報App
